
The following writing shows the historicity of Islamic studies in the West. It is important to reflect, at least as a comparison for our Islamic studies in Indonesia. Initially, Islamic studies in the West were looked unfairly. Islam was considered a fragment of Jews and Christian tradition. Thus, Islamic studies were positioned as a subunit of Christian studies. At this condition, Islamic studies tended to be colonized by West scholars’ ideology. However, in 1980, Islamic studies began to be looked fairly in the West. Funded by National Endowment for the Humanities, University of Arizona for the first time held an international symposium on Islam and Religious Studies. In this symposium, Islam was considered equally with Christian. Therefore, the research on it was not only about Islam as religion but also as civilization. It was indicated by various approaches to Islam such as philology, social and humanities approaches. Today, Islamic studies develop intensively with the contemporary approaches called post-orientalism which is based on post-colonialism, post-structuralism, multiculturalism, and critical theory. 


  • The following writing shows the historicity of Islamic studies in the West

  • Islam was considered a fragment of Jews

  • Islamic studies were positioned as a subunit of Christian studies

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58 Studia Insania

Abad pertengahan (medieval period) adalah masa kemunculan negara-negara Barat ke pentas dunia. Kata ini dapat diartikan "dunia Timur" dan secara etnologis berarti bangsa-bangsa di timur. Orientalis adalah kata nama pelaku yang menunjukkan seorang ahli tentang hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan "timur". Jadi orientalisme berarti sesuatu paham, atau aliran, yang berkeinginan menyelidiki halhal berkaitan dengan bangsa-bangsa di Timur beserta lingkungannya.. Said memahami orientalis sebagai suatu cara untuk memahami dunia Timur, berdasarkan tempatnya yang khusus menurut pengalaman orang Barat Eropa.. Orientalisme adalah gaya berpikir yang berdasarkan pada pembedaan ontologis dan epistemologis yang dibuat antara "Timur" (the Orient) dan Barat (the Occident). Meskipun orientalis memiliki makna yang luas, yaitu segala sesuatu yang berkaitan langsung dengan bangsa-bangsa Timur beserta lingkungannya sehingga meliputi seluruh bidang kehidupan, namun secara sempit, orientalis dapat diartikan sebagai kegiatan ahli ketimuran Barat tentang agama-agama di Timur, khususnya agama Islam demi kepentingan mereka

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