
An urgent task of breeding work is the creation of new high-yielding varieties of spring triticale, adapted to the conditions of the Middle Amur region. The object of research is 160 breeding lines of spring triticale (Ukro x DalGAU 1; Ukro x Primorskaya 108; Ukro x Lana; Ukro x Erythrospermum). As a result of the research, a significant influence of weather factors of the environment on the realization of the potential productivity of breeding lines of triticale in SP-2 was established, the share of the contribution "environment" was 77 %. Under stressful growing conditions, two early ripening varieties of triticale were identified – 128 (Ukro x Primorskaya 108) and 219 (Ukro x Erythrospermum). Numbers 104 (Ukro x Lana), 205 (Ukro x Lana), 206 (Ukro x Lana) were characterized by high resistance to Fusarium spike. The average yield of the selection lines of triticale in SP-2 was 2.8 t/ha, in the standard varieties of triticale Ukro and wheat Khabarovchanka – 2.4 t/ha. For the effective selection of promising genotypes, the differentiation of breeding lines of spring triticale by yield and its structural elements was carried out using the methods of multivariate statistical analysis (cluster analysis). As a result of the research, the studied triticale lines were grouped into 4 clusters according to the criterion of the greatest similarity: cluster I – 33 samples, cluster II and III – 24 nomers, cluster IV – 79 selection lines. Samples of the second cluster (Ukro x DalGAU 1 – 102, 116, 115, 119, 120, 103, 104, 106, 109, 117; Ukro x Lana – 178, 181, 185, 188, 182; Ukro x Primorskaya 108 – 122, 123; Ukro x Erythrospermum – 258, 218, 212, 237, 223, 224, 230) are distinguished by the maximum values ​​of the main economically valuable indicators of productivity in the complex hydrothermal conditions of the Middle Amur region.

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