
Triticale is a cereal widely used lately due to its high production potential of both grains and biomass and its multiple uses in both animal feed (feed) and humans (flour, flakes, alcohol). The development of the livestock sector will also have the effect of increasing the areas cultivated with fodder plants. In addition to increasing the cultivated areas, a diversification of the assortment of crops with multiple uses is also desired. Increasing the production capacity per unit area, the study of several varieties (lines) of triticale (Triticosecale Witt.) And the selection of the most competitive contributing to the achievement of this objective.. The purpose of this research is to study varieties (lines) of triticale (Triticosecale Witt.) In terms of their production capacity (green mass) and adaptation to pedo-climatic conditions specific to the Banat Plain, in order to enrich the current range of forage plants for silo, given the ever-increasing needs for feed in the context of a growing demand for animal products. We chose for this study nine varieties (lines) of triticale (Triticosecale Witt.), Noted: TMV1, TMV2, TMV3, TMV4, TMV5, TMV6, TMV7, TMV8, TMV9, in order to evaluate them in terms of the main characters that contribute to the achievement green mass production for silage and selection of the most valuable genotypes for breeding. The green mass productions of the nine varieties of triticale were directly influenced by the values of the studied productivity traits. Regarding the yield per plant, the character, the height of the plants contributes to the greatest extent; the TMV7 triticale variety has the highest value in terms of this production character. From the analysis of the synthesis of mass productions in order to ensilage obtained by the studied triticale varieties, in 2018 - 2020, it is found that the best production results, in the conditions of Timisoara were recorded by TMV7 registering an average production of 44.53 t.ha-1 green mass. Based on the results recorded, under the given conditions, the TMV7 triticale line is classified for future improvement programs.

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