
The studies were carried out in 2020-2021 based on the Far Eastern Research Institute of Agriculture (Khabarovsk Territory). The object of research is 51 breeding lines of spring triticale. The weather conditions during the years of the research were contrasting and significantly differed from each other – the summer period of 2020 was characterized by a low temperature regime and an excessive amount of precipitation, 2021 was distinguished by sufficient heat supply and periods of drought. It was found that meteorological conditions led to an increase in the duration of the growing season for breeding triticale samples – from 91-94 days (2021) to 105-110 days (2020). As a result of the research, promising breeding lines of spring triticale 2-21, 3-21, 4-21, 5-21, 8-21, 10-21, 18-21, 25-21, 27-21, 28-21, 33 -21, 40-21, 42-21, 45-21 with a high grain yield – 33.9…45.9 c/ha, the excess over the standard variety Ukro was 1.6…13.6 c/ha, characterized by the formation of high values ​​of the main structural elements of the crop. The protein content in the breeding lines of triticale during the years of research was in the range of 10.9-13.8 % (2020) and 11.0-14.6 % (2021) with average values ​​of 12.5 % ​​and 12.9 % respectively. It was noted that the protein content in triticale grain largely depended on varietal characteristics, and the lysine content in triticale grain depended on the interaction of genotypes and weather conditions of growing season. Samples of triticale 7-21, 18-21, 19-21, 23-21, 26-21, 34-21, 49-21, 50-21 with a high lysine content in the grain – 703-975 mg/% were isolated. It was found that all breeding lines of triticale are highly resistant to lodging (5 points) regardless of environmental conditions.

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