
The article relevance is proved by the importance of studying of a security problem in the Balkans which takes a significant place in the foreign policy of Russia and Italy. The article gives short excursus to the security problem in the Balkans and discovers geostrategic value of the Balkan Peninsula. It also describes turmoil factors in this South-Eastern European region. The author examines the impact of the Balkan crisis on the Common European security and also the Balkans’ place on the modern geopolitical world map. The article analyzes disintegrating processes in the Balkan Peninsula, particularly break-up of Yugoslavia, Italian and Russian views of this problem and their role in resolution of the Balkan crisis. It is considered the Balkan security problem within the framework of maintenance of national security by Italy and Russia and also the Balkans’ position in the foreign policy of Italy and Russia in late XX – early XXI. Finally it is made a conclusion that the Balkan vector is of great priority in the foreign policy line of Italy and Russia and that geopolitical stability of the Balkans takes a heavy toll on the security of Italy and Russia.

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