
In this study, a framework to open a door lock with a keypad is designed. The system has a database for the authorized people who has the privilege for the access to a restricted area. Authorized individuals are permitted after keying in the respective passwords. The ID of those who access the restricted area is logged on the internet, to a Google Spread Sheet table with a time stamp. An economical wi-fi module was used for internet connection. A Solenoid is used for the locking mechanism driven by a mosfet power drive. An oled screen is also provided for the visual feedback to the users. Wi-fi card is coded in MicroPython. This card is responsible for transfering the passwords from the keypad to a web server. This web server is coded in PHP which compares the incoming passwords with the passwords in the previously generated user database, and as a result sends the wi-fi card either the name of the user who opened the door or the wrong password information. The result then is conveyed to the door lock controller. Each time this is performed, wi-fi card sends the ID of the person who opens the door or the invalid password information to an IFTTT Webhook service, and the Webhook service transfers this information to a Google Spread Sheet table with its timestamp. An administrator panel has also been created with PHP codes so that new users can also be added without dealing with the codes.

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