
Heavy metal concentrations in water, fish, and sediments from Bangladesh's haor region were investigated. Fish and sediment samples were taken once a season and evaluated using standard methods, while water samples were collected monthly. Results showed that metals in water (mg/L) were found in order of Mn (0.1694) > Cu (0.0189) > Zn (0.0045) > Pb (0.0040) > Cd (0.0028) within the maximum permissible level of Environment Conservation Rules (ECR). Mean concentrations of metal in fish (mg/kg–dry wt.) found in order of Zn (56.16) > Cu (25.47) > Mn (4.36) > Pb (2.19) > Cd (1.27) that were higher than maximum allowable level of Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) except Cu. Metal in sediments (mg/kg) found in order of Mn (127.61) > Zn (32.51) > Pb (10.09) > Cu (5.40) > Cd (0.43), and except Cu all metal concentrations were lower than the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) probable effect concentrations. In water and sediments, pollution indices revealed a critical pollution threshold for water, and a range of unpolluted to highly polluted for sediments. Sampling sites had low potential ecological risk, despite the fact that metals were showing signs of a negative impact on people' health. Furthermore, bio-concentration factor for fish and water was low to extremely high, but for fish and sediment was low. The level of heavy metal contamination in haor shows the situation is alarming for biota and residents of the region. The relevant authority should control and monitor the aquatic ecology in order to protect it.

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