
The presented results of experimental study on the search for effective ways of developing physical qualities and the formation of moral upbringing of student youth are the result of a long-term pedagogical experiment, the participants of which were students from different faculties of higher education institutions. The positive influence of a healthy lifestyle of students on the development of their physical fitness and level of moral education has been established. It is an important area of work aimed at comprehensive and harmonious development of personality. Moral education as a special object of study, along with increasing the level of physical fitness is a necessary relationship of social, physical, psychological and pedagogical patterns of personality development. The purpose of the study is to study the possibilities of solving the problem of improving the level of physical fitness and moral education of student youth by activating their motor regime and by complying with the requirements and rules of a healthy lifestyle. The study found that systematic rational motor activity, healthy lifestyle has a positive effect on the physical fitness of student youth, the formation and development of their physical qualities, namely: indicators of strength, strength endurance, strength of the right hand, speed and strength abilities. The dynamics of improvement of moral education under the influence of long-term healthy lifestyle in students of the experimental group was statistically significant in contrast to the indicators of students in the control group, namely: friendship and camaraderie, attitude to nature, discipline, patriotism, attitude to collective values and attitudes to work. In conclusion, a healthy lifestyle is an effective means of positively influencing the indicators of physical fitness and moral education of student youth.

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