
<p>ABSTRACT</p><p><br />This study was carried out to obtain bacteria isolates from coral reef using co-culture method which potentially inhibit Vibrio harveyi growth. A total of 110 isolates were isolated from Acropora sp., Merulina sp., Hystrix sp., Poecillophora sp., Porites sp., and Haliophora sp., and were screened for their antagonistic activity against V. harveyi in in vitro and in vivo test. Five candidate probiotics (5H1 candidate probiotics isolated from Acropora sp., 11I and 11G isolates isolated from Hystrix sp. and 13B and 13G1 isolates isolated from Poecillophora sp., was able to inhibit growth of V. harveyi MR5339 RFR up to 101‒102 cfu/mL. Two isolates (13B and 13G1) were not pathogenic at concentration 106 cfu/mL bacteria and could increase of survival rate of tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) larvae in in vivo test. Survival rate of tiger shrimp larvae that treatment with 13B and 13G1 were 86,67% and 88,33%, and have a significant different with positive control (61,67%). Partial sequencing of 16S-rRNA showed that 13G1 isolate was similar to V. alginolyticus.<br />Keywords: vibriosis, Vibrio harveyi, tiger shrimp, probiotic, coral reef</p><p><br />ABSTRAK</p><p><br />Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan bakteri probiotik asal terumbu karang dengan metode kultur bersama untuk pengendalian penyakit vibriosis pada larva udang windu (Penaeus monodon). Sebanyak 110 isolat berhasil diisolasi dari Acropora sp., Merulina sp., Hystrix sp., Poecillophora sp., Porites sp., dan Heliophora sp. dan dilakukan penapisan untuk melihat aktivitas kemampuannya melawan Vibrio harveyi MR 5339 RfR dalam uji in vitro dan in vivo. Sebanyak 56 isolat menghasilkan daya hambat terhadap V. harveyi MR5339 RfR pada metode kultur bersama. Lima isolat kandidat probiotik (isolate 5H1 diisolasi dari Acropora sp., isolat 11I dan 11G diisolasi dari Hystrix sp., serta isolat 13B dan 13G1 yang diisolasi dari Poecillophora sp.), mampu menekan pertumbuhan V. harveyi MR5339 RfR hingga 101–102 cfu/mL. Kedua isolat (13B dan 13G1) terbukti tidak bersifat patogen pada konsentrasi 106 cfu/mL dan mampu meningkatkan sintasan larva udang windu pada uji in vivo. Nilai sintasan larva pada perlakuan yang diberi kandidat probiotik 13B dan 13G1 berturut-turut adalah 86,67% dan 88,33%, namun berbeda nyata dengan kontrol positif (61,67%). Hasil analisis sekuen sebagian gen 16S-rRNA menunjukkan bahwa isolat 13G1 termasuk spesies V. algynoliticus.<br /><br />Kata kunci: vibriosis, Vibrio harveyi, udang windu, probiotik, terumbu karang</p>

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