
The article substantiates the role and place of scientific-research competence in the system of military-professional education of future officers. The essence of military-professional competence following the goals, tasks, and nature of the military activity as an integrative characteristic of future officers is determined, which is a set of professionally crucial qualities, the ability, and readiness to solve professional problems and tasks that arise in real situations of the military profession, using knowledge, skills, abilities, professional and life experience, values and culture. The list of general competencies in the system of military-professional education of future officers in military higher educational institutions (instrumental, interpersonal, research, intellectual, professional-practical, information-communication) is given. The interpretation of the concept of «scientific-research competence» from the positions of systemic, knowledge-operational, procedural-technological, functional-activity, and competence approaches is analyzed.
 The features of the components of the scientific and research competence of future officers have been singled out and systematized: motivational-value, cognitive, personal, and activity-operational.
 Conclusions were made regarding the possibility of considering the process of forming future officers’ scientific and research competence in the direction of a holistic educational result. The involvement of cadets in practical and fundamental research will allow them to learn the forms and methods of independent work with scientific literature, deepen the content of educational disciplines of various purposes, and develop creative skills in solving complex professional tasks.

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