Societies developed throughout history with the development of life technology, that ideas presented by the contemporary art have been crystallized. The development included all the artistic fields such as the dramatic arts which depend on many effects and elements that led to the completion of the structure of the theater show. Scenography is considered one of the most important elements that the theatre show depends on such as the decoration, lighting, sound effects, costumes and accessories. The research addressed the following question: what are the characteristics and traits of scenography in the theatre show? The research importance has become clear because it sheds lights on the characteristics of scenography in the Iraqi theatre show. The objective of the research is to reveal the traits, mechanisms and techniques of scenography in (Macbeth play) directed by Salah Al-Qasab presented in the Department of Dramatic Arts- Faculty of the Fine Arts- University of Baghdad in 1999.The theoretical framework included the first section: (scenography concept and evolution), and the second section: scenography elements and applications in the theatrical show, in addition to some notes at the end of theoretical framework. The research procedures included the research community, the sample (Macbeth play) the results, recommendations, sources and references.
Societies developed throughout history with the development of life technology, that ideas presented by the contemporary art have been crystallized
The development included all the artistic fields such as the dramatic arts which depend on many effects and elements that led to the completion of the structure of the theater show
مرلم جنرت ج جؤجا مر . ثاهيا :ث بيق السيىوغرافيا في العرض المسرحي المعاصر: المخـــر ومهىـــذ المىظـــرالمســـرحي أدولـــ ابيـــا :)1022-1283( :جمعععلاجيرنععع جإلععع جي ععع اعج اعععرت جا عععرحا جا ععع جي عععرمج تععع جإمكرااععع جحر ععع جا عععر ج تععع جا عععؤ كرتا جا ب عععاا ،يج ايععع عجفععع ج ي ععع اعجا جاععع جا ب عععر جفععع جا عععر جا عععر جب عععرج ن ععع عجبععع جا ععع ج مؤااعععفجا ب عععر ج اؤ ععع ج نعععرت ج ععع ر جع ر اععع ،جكراعععلجمجعععرير جا عععرحا جم ععع ج مر عععرم جبؤاعععصجين ععع عج ي رافععع جمعععوج ا عع جمر ععؤاج تعع جا رحععؤ ج ا ععر طجبعع جمكراععر جا ععر جا ععر ،جكععر جاباععرتجتم ععرجفعع ج ر ععفج ا عععرحا جتاف ععععرجا راة اعععع ج ام ععععرا ج ر عععع جبر ر اعععع جت ععع ج ععععلاج عععع جا ععععر ج تف عععع ،ج عععععج نبععععرج برمكرااعععععر جا عععععرلمجا عععععر جح عععععف،جبر جعععععريرجا ععععع جي ت هعععععرج عععععرا يج(اف عععع ،جص77ح.ج عععععرجت ععععع ج ا ر عععا جبر عععر جفععع جا عععر جا عععر ج ع تهعععرجال اعععر جا ب عععر ج ا ت ععع جا ععع جا ععع جيؤ ععع جفععع ج ي رعر هعععرجا لم ععع جمعععلاجا عععر جفعععع ج عععر جفلمعععر ج ع عععرل ،ججف عععؤجا ععع ار جاباعععرجا ج ععع جمعععلاجةا ععع ج ا عععر ج ا ظععع جةا ععع جذا جاي اععع ج ب ععع جفععع ج تععع جا ععععج كععع جي عععب ج اععع ج عععردجح ا اععع .ج
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