
Activated plant charcoal plays major role in adsorption chemistry and finds a huge application in industry, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and water treatment. Present work planned to utilize waste sweet corn cop and areca nut husk to prepare charcoal by chemical method. The charcoal was carbonized at 8000C using muffle furnace. The adsorption efficiency of the experimental activated carbon adsorbents towards the model organic compounds methylene blue and salicylic acid were assessed by UV-Vis spectrophotometric method. Experimental results clearly indicates that sweet corn cop charcoal recorded maximum absorption for salicylic acid 640ppm/g in compare to areca nut shell husk charcoal 480ppm/g. Sweet corn cop charcoal recorded optimum absorption for methylene blue 240 ppm/g in compare to areca nut shell husk charcoal 240ppm/g. The experimental charcoal projects noticeable results in scavenging salicylic acid and methylene blue from polluted samples. This experimental results and affordable cost the raw material made the sweet corn cop and areca nut husk activated carbon a powerful alternative for the adsorption of carcinogenic organic compounds salicylic acid and methylene blue.

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