
Assuming a core plus valence nucleon structure, one-nucleon removal reaction is investigated within the framework of few-body Glauber theory. Fermi-type distribution is used for the core density, while the wavefunction of the valence nucleon is calculated by solving the single particle eigenvalue problem of the Schrödinger equation with the Woods–Saxon potential. The parallel momentum distribution (P//) of the fragments is calculated for isotopes with 3 < Z < 18. A remarkable scaling property is observed from the dependence of the dimensionless quantity Rv2/Rc2 on the full width at half maximum of the parallel momentum distribution (FWHMP//). Rv2/Rc2 is a measure of the exotic extent of the nuclear halo. Based on the obtained scaling law, FWHMP// can be used as an experimental observable to extract Rv2/Rc2 and measure the exotic extent for the nuclear halo.

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