
The aim of this article is to expand the knowledge of the history of Latvia in the 20th century, analyzing the sanitary situation in Latgale in 1920. The source of information – 8 Latvian newspapers from the year 1920. In the beginning of the article, the economic situation of Latgale (collapse of the farming, lack of goods, speculation) during the War of Independence and in the post-war months is de-scribed. Further, the prevalence of typhoid and dysentery epidemics is analyzed, as well as measures tak-en to improve the sanitary condition - events organized by Latgale local municipalities, assistance of Lat-vian Government and ministries in combating diseases in Latgale, as well as foreign (USA, England) as-sistance. The study allowed to conclude that Latvian newspapers are valuable historical sources in the study of the sanitary situation. The press widely and regularly informed about the dangers of the spread of diseases and explained the measures that were taken to improve the health of the population. In com-parison to the contemporary research, in 1920, due to objective reasons, the newspapers did not inform about the sanitary situation in the Latvian and Polish Armies, as well as about the Army's involvement in combating the diseases.

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