
The Role of Campylobacters as Causes of Childhood Diarrhoea in Samsun Region One hundred children aged one month to 14 years who were admitted with acute diarrhoea was studied to determine the relative frequency of Campylobacters as causes of childhood infectious diarrhoea. Demographic characteristics, the duration of symptoms, clinical manifestations and findings and nature of stools of all patients were noted. Stools were cultured for Escherichia coli, salmonellas, shigellas, and Campylobacters; they were examined microscopically for ova, cysts, or parasites, blood and leukocytes. Rotavirus antigen was also detected by latex agglutination test in stools. Since isolates of Escherichia coli were not typed they were not considered as agents. Rotavirus and protozoan pathogens [Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia lamblialis) were detected as most common causes of diarrhoea, respectively 12% and 11%. Campylobacters were most common bacteria isolated (8%). Salmonella was isolated from 5%, and shigella from 2% of patients. Isolation rates for all pathogens were 38%. This study suggested that Campylobacters were one of the major causes of childhood acute diarrhoea and stools of children with acute diarrhoea should cultured routinely for this pathogen. Cocukluk cagi enfeksiyoz ishallerinde Campylobacter cinsi bakterilerin etken olarak gorulme sikligini belirlemek amaciyla akut ishal yakinmasiyla basvuran ve yaslari 1 ay ile 14 yas arasinda degisen 100 cocuk calismaya alindi. Tum hastalarin demografik ozellikleri, semptomlari ve suresi, klinik bulgular ve diski ozellikleri kaydedildi. Diski mikroskopisinde eritrosit, lokosit ve parazit incelemesi yapildi. Diskilar salmonella, shigella ve Campylobacter izolasyonu icin uygun kultur ortamlarina ekildi. Aynca lateks aglutinasyon yontemi ile diskida rotavirus antijeni arastirildi. Olgularin %38'inde gastroenterit etkeni saptanabildi. En siklikla saptanan etkenler rotavirus (%12) ve protozoal etkenler [Entemoeba histolytica ve Giardia lamblialis) (%11) idi. Bakteriyel etkenler arasinda en fazla izole edilen mikroorganizma Campylobacter (%8) idi. Salmonella %5, shigella ise %2 oraninda izole edildi. Bu calisma cocukluk cagi akut ishallerinde Campylobacter cinsi bakterilerin onemli etkenlerden birisi oldugunu gostermistir. Sonuc olarak, akut ishal olgularinda etken saptanmasi amaciyla diski kulturu alma endikasyonu varsa Campylobacter besi yerine de ekim yapilmasi gerektigi kanisina varilmistir.

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