
Haloxylon ammodendron is one of the dominant characterizations of groups in Qaidam Basin. The salinity effects on H. ammodendron was determined by evaluating photosynthetic characteristic and seed germination feature responses in saline conditions in this paper. The reduction of Pn was corresponded to the decreasing Gs in the afternoon, when there was a slight increase in WUE corresponded to Pn and Tr during 15:00 to 17: 00p.m in the field trails. There was a delay in Pn and Tr to reach the postmeridian peak under 2% and 3% NaCl, while the daily mean values of WUE under 2% and 3% NaCl were higher than the 0% NaCl control. H. ammodendron seeds were found retaining 72% of germination rate under salinity degree high up to 3.51% saline solution. The values of GP, GE, GI and VI decreased evidently under 0.72% saline solution, whereas the reduction was indistinctive from 0.72% up to 2.14% saline solution without salt injury below 2.14% saline solution. Although the plant showed a slight sensibility to light salinity, H. ammodendron retained a certain potential of seed germination and seedling growth under salinity stress.

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