
The aim of the article is an analysis of modern tendencies atdevelopment of rural and ecological tourism in Ukraine as tothe type of entrepreneurial activity in rural locali, research of his influence on development of rural territories, and- problems, that arise up in his organization. Researchmethodology consists in the use of totality of methods : dialectical, statistical, historical and comparative: exactly theanalysis of experience of development of rural tourism in thecountries of Western and East Europe convinces of necessityof development of rural and ecological tourism for rural localities. The scientific novelty of the got results consists in opening of factors that assist to development of rural and ecological tourism in Ukraine, research of role of cluster models of his organization, and also value of increaseof level of enterprise form of peasants, in the decision ofproblems of him dynamic development in the conditions of thecrisis phenomena. Conclusions. For today in rural localitythere is a sufficient fund of accommodation for Devel- opmentof green tourism, but for his organization convincing information is needed about possibility of bringing in ofvillagers to the recreational-tourist en- terprise, convinced ofadvantages of realization of such activity, that testifies to thenecessity of increase of universal and professional education,enterprise form of peasants-farmers

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