
In Indonesia there are various ethnic groups with very diverse and rich customs.On average each ethnic group has their own Traditional House, which is different fromeach other. This attracted the attention of writers, to examine the types and types ofToba Batak Traditional Houses and their ornaments. The first opportunity to examineBatak Traditional Houses was obtained in 1985, where I could enjoy the beauty of thetraditional Toba Batak houses and record them, as material for further research later.The development of Batak Traditional Houses and Settlements shows that theattention of the Batak people and their Regional Governments to the rich culturalheritage of the Batak people through their traditional houses has not received seriousattention. In 2016 there was an opportunity to review the condition of tourism in Tapanuli,along with the existence of traditional houses. The opportunity occurred through thedisaster in the village of Jangga Dolok, where 5 traditional houses once burned on NewYear's Eve 2015 to 2016This paper is intended to provide an overview of settlements and traditional TobaBatak houses, rebuilding a traditional house and the types of ornaments in theirtraditional houses. In addition, there are also ways to prevent and prevent fire hazardsfor types of houses such as Batak Traditional Houses.Keywords: Traditional Houses, Toba Bataks and Ornaments.

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