
In present era, many lifestyle disorders are caused due to unhealthy food habits and practices, infertility is one among them. The incidence increased due to the diversified daily routine, faulty food habits, and westernisation which affects the endocrine system, physiological factors and causes irregular menstruation, ovulation disorders, PCOS, fallopian tube blockage, endometriosis, hormonal disorders and uterine abnormalities which ultimately leads to infertility. Ayurvedic explanation of ‘Viruddhahara’ is a unique concept. Acharya Charaka has mentioned Shandhya and Santana dosha[1] while listing the diseases caused due to Viruddhahara. Viruddhahara impairs Rasadhatu which leads to dushti of its upadhatu Artava. Long term practice of Viruddhahara/Unhealthy food habits causes Artavadushti, which affects ovum, menstrual blood and ovarian hormones. Viruddhahara greatly affects the Garbhasambhavasamagri. Practice of satmya Ahara and Vihara can avoid multiple causative factors of Infertility like Beeja dosha, Artava or Shukradushti, different yonivyapats. Infertility is also caused due to Mithyaachara as a complication of obesity and other diseases.

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