
Background:Infertility is the failure to conceive even after one or more years of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. Due to improper life style ,incidence of infertility increases .PCOS is a life style disorder and very common among reproductive age group . Acharya Sushrutexplained about Bandhya Yonivya padawhere Nashtartava is mentioned as the one and only symptom. In Ayurveda text word Aartavahas been used extensively in different contexts; menstrual blood, ovum and ovarian hormones. Therefore Amenorrhea, anovulation, hormonal dysfunction can be considered as visible manifestations of Nashtartva. Material and method:Following is a case report of a female who was anxious to conceive after 3 years of active married life, she had irregular menses. Her USG reports showed polycystic appearance of ovaries .The treatment adopted were to balance vataand kapha. Result: the treatment patient was a known case of infertility due to PCOS and after treatment her PCOS was cured and she conceived . Discussion:Line of treatment was to enhance potency of ovum for ovulation and regularize vitiated Vata Dosha, Shrotoshuddhiand Aartava janan. Conclusion:Ayurvedatherapy can be used in patients of infertility due to PCOS for better outcome and no adverse drug effect was noticed

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