
Background: Ayurveda gives prime importance to Agni, Prakriti, Ahara (food), Vihara (life style) in maintaining health. In present Era everyone is in mental and physical stress due to their life style, undisciplined daily regimen, dietic rules and regulation, which may result many lifestyle disorders. Sthoulya is one of the life style disorder and common growing health problem of the whole word. Sthoulya is result of heredity, environment and unbalanced food. It is not possible to change heredity, difficult to change environment, but relatively easy to change food habits and life style. Aim and Objectives: List out the Pathya Ahara for Sthoulya and List out the Apathya Ahara for Sthoulya. Discusion: Acharya Charaka has stressed upon the use of Guru and Apatarpana drug as special regimen for Sthoulya. The therapeutic measures without Pathya can be considered as incomplete treatment procedure. Conclusion: Pathya and Apathya are most essential to maintain the health of the healthy person and restore the health in diseased person. Hence, the present article review on Ahara as Pathya and Apathya in Sthoulya.

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