
The increased modernization and industrialization has played a major role in adopting the sedentary life style and faulty diet has made man the victim of many life style disorders, one of them being obesity. According to National family health survey-5 (2019-2021), 1 out of every 4 person is obese now and the incidence is increased to 16.9% in 20-29 years of age and 32% in 30-39 years of age. Obesity is an increasing global health issue as it is the leading risk factor of various non-communicable diseases like hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidaemia, coronary heart disease etc. So, the prevention and management of obesity by creating awareness for adopting healthy lifestyle and dietary habits is much needed in present era. Obesity is a result of heredity, faulty lifestyle and diet. Since factors like heredity cannot be avoided but managing lifestyle (Vihara) and diet (Ahara) play important role. Acharya Charaka has considered Sthaulya as an Santarpanjanya Vyadhi and treated with Guru and Aptarpanajanya Ahara. Ahara recommended in Sthaulya are Yava, Kulattha, Purana Shali, Shastika.

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