
The state of the economy today highlights the requirement for better engineering designs in drilling, well completion, and reservoir production processes. Continuous profiles of rock mechanical properties are required for all of the aforementioned activities. Elastic and strength parameters are two categories that can be used to categorize rock mechanical parameters. Elastic parameters that describe the behavior and tendency of rock to fluctuation or fracture under stress include Young's modulus, bulk module, shear modulus, and Poisson's ratio. To prevent various drilling issues including well kicks pipe sticking, and wellbore instability, it is crucial to understand the elastic properties of reservoir rock. It is therefore conceivable to have an accurate estimation of the rock elastic behavior. The various techniques for estimating the various elastic properties are reviewed in this work. Both a static and dynamic calculation can be done for elastic characteristics. When employing static methods, the elastic modulus can be calculated by measuring it on real cores in a lab using pricy procedures. Whereas well logs are utilized in dynamic methods, a quicker and less expensive technique, to calculate the parameters governing rock elastic properties.

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