
In modeling the hydraulic fracking program for unconventional reservoir shales, information about elasticity rock properties is needed, namely Young's Modulus and Poisson's ratio as the basis for determining the formation depth interval with high brittleness. The elastic rock properties (Young's Modulus and Poisson's ratio) are a geomechanical parameters used to identify rock brittleness using core data (static data) and well log data (dynamic data). A common problem is that the core data is not available as the most reliable data, so well log data is used. The principle of measuring elastic rock properties in the rock mechanics lab is very different from measurements with well logs, where measurements in the lab are in high stresses / strains, low strain rates, and usually drained, while measurements in well logging use the principle of measured downhole by high frequency sonic. vibrations in conditions of very low stresses / strains, High strain rate, and Always undrained. For this reason, it is necessary to convert dynamic to static elastic rock properties (Poisson's ratio and Young's modulus) using empirical equations. The conversion of elastic rock properties (well logs) from dynamic to static using the empirical calculation method shows a significant shift in the value of Young's Modulus and Poisson's ratio, namely a shift from the ductile zone dominance to the dominant brittle zone. The conversion results were validated with the rock mechanical test results from the analog outcrop cores (static) showing that the results were sufficiently correlated based on the distribution range.

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