
Natural features of river ecosystems of forest-steppe and steppe zones are considered. The problems of anthropogenic loading of the rivers of the dissected plains and their coastal areas are indicated. Measures of urban planning organization of coastal territories of river ecosystems of forest-steppe and steppe zones are proposed.
 According to the type of river and the natural area of the river basin in Ukraine, there are 3 types of rivers: Polish rivers, rivers of forest-steppe and steppe zones (dismembered plains), and mountain rivers. The most common are the rivers of the dissected plains, to which this article is devoted. These rivers usually have wide valleys, gentle slopes, many rivulets and streams, the speed of the flow of these rivers is 0.2-0.3 m/sec. The geographical location of river basins gives special characteristics to rivers and their coastal areas, which must be taken into account during their urban development.
 In order to improve the ecological condition of forest-steppe and steppe river ecosystems, preserve and revive their natural component, and prevent the negative consequences of anthropogenic load on the river ecosystems of the dismembered plains, a complex of measures is required - state draft laws and programs with sufficient funding, scientific research developments, and public support. This publication is devoted to proposals for urban planning organization of coastal areas and preservation of the natural component of river ecosystems of dismembered plains.
 The natural state of forest-steppe and steppe river ecosystems will be preserved if the following economic and urban planning measures are carried out: - clearing of riverbeds from excess air-water vegetation; at the same time, reed stalks can be used as fuel and for roofing houses, which is a traditional ecological material;- clearing of springs and wells that have a hydraulic connection with water areas;- a complex of anti-slide measures, - a set of anti-erosion measures aimed at eliminating gullies by filling them in, landscaping them with special-purpose plantings; - protection against flooding; - reclamation of quarries; - banning the discharge of wastewater into rivers, which will preserve surface water resources and the purity of mineral springs; - the continuity of the annual period of carrying out scientifically based ecological releases from reservoirs - from April 15-20 to May 9-10; - establishment of coastal protection strips of rivers, restrictive Green and Blue lines; - improvement of recreational reservoirs; - compliance with the regime of economic activity.
 The implementation of the mentioned urban planning measures in combination with the adoption of legislative programs, scientific research, sufficient funding and an active position of the public will definitely lead to the revival and preservation of the natural component of the river ecosystems of the dismembered plains. More than 60% of Ukraine's water resources are formed in the basins of small rivers, therefore improving the ecological condition of small rivers is the key to the revival of medium and large rivers.

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