
Subject/topic. This article examines the development of the risk management system used in customs control by the customs authorities of Russia as an instrument of customs protectionism. Goals/tasks. The purpose of the study is to determine the importance of the risk management system in ensuring the protection of national economic interests in the context of changes in Russia's economic policy. The objectives of the work include: identifying the impact of the risk management system on the transparency of foreign trade operations and economic sustainability; establishing the adaptability of its application for the purposes of economic policy; identifying promising areas for its improvement. Methodology. The work uses general scientific methods (collection, analysis, synthesis) of information. To obtain intermediate conclusions, the method of structural-dynamic analysis, structural analysis, and analysis of the source base was applied. The conclusions obtained in the results are due to the use of logical research methods. Results. It has been established that customs risk management is carried out in accordance with international standards involving the reduction of administrative barriers in the implementation of foreign economic activity and ensuring trade security, as well as national standards in the field of risk management. The effectiveness and expediency of applying a modern risk management system in order to increase the transparency of foreign trade operations and the stability of the economy is proved. It is revealed that the risk management system is effectively used as a tool to protect Russian foreign trade participants under international restrictions. The expediency of modernizing the risk management system in terms of expanding and unifying its application within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union, as well as through the introduction of artificial intelligence methods into its algorithms, is argued. Conclusions/significance. The authors conclude that the risk management system is of significant importance as a tool of customs protectionism in the context of changes in Russia's economic policy. The results obtained on the adaptability of the risk management system to modern goals and objectives of economic policy can be taken into account when developing mechanisms for implementing state regulation of economic processes both in the aspect of domestic economy and in the aspect of international economic interaction.

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