
A highly developed industry used to be synon-ymous with Osijek and the entire Slavonija and Baranja region in the past, but in modern times the notion of industry has taken on a new meaning. Classic factories have disappeared, making room for the development of more modern and innovative industries, including cultural and creative industries. The problem of recognition and conservation of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, which is increas-ingly often at risk, has also come up in the ur-banisation process. Systematic efforts to con-serve and revitalise cultural heritage are need-ed in order to preserve the identity and the culture of the local community. Otherwise it will fall victim to uncontrolled urbanisation, and disappear. Cultural and creative industries are building ways for the development, con-servation and urban regeneration and revitali-sation of the cultural heritage. Repurposed industrial cultural heritage can serve as a re-minder of former glory, but also as a daily in-spiration for new entrepreneurs, creative pro-fessionals, and all other citizens. Local and national governments must make projects aimed at the revitalisation of all types of cul-tural heritage their priority. These projects are highly attractive. Even though they are also challenging and very expensive, they will con-tinue to bear fruit for many years after their implementation by reinforcing their city’s identity, but also through fast-growing cultural tourism. The main objective of this paper is to explore the potentials of the forgotten (invisi-ble) industrial (now cultural) heritage of Osijek within the sector of cultural and creative in-dustries. With this goal in mind, the authors carried out a survey to gauge public awareness of the economic potential offered by the devel-opment of cultural and creative industries, with a focus on the revitalisation of Osijek’s industrial cultural heritage. One of the objec-tives of the survey was also to identify the opinions of different age and education groups in the public about these matters. Regrettably, the awareness of the importance of conserving cultural heritage remains rather low. Educa-tional campaigns, written guidelines, projects and events are needed to educate the broader community in order for the development po-tential of cultural and creative industries to be really manifested.

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