
The article covers the theoretical and methodological basis for the development of a multi-paradigmatic model for environmental socialization in a multi-cultural educational environment via the system of existential, pragmatic and resonance-synergetic paradigmatic models characterized by their own objectives, content, technological approaches and criteria in effective searches. The article demonstrates that the development of conceptual multi-paradigmatic model for environmental socialization of an individual in a multi-cultural educational environment derives from the need in the search of new models for environmental education and upbringing of learners based on the acknowledgement of a multi-paradigmatic nature of modern culture with education being a significant part of it; coexistence of different ways of world interpretation from the point of view of cultural and educational pluralism. The use of the system of existential, pragmatic and resonance-synergetic paradigmatic models in developing a multi-paradigmatic model for environmental socialization in a multi-cultural environment stipulates for the application of combination of methods, integrative ideas, and methodological principles being the methodological regulators for all units of this system. The article justifies the essence of the multi-cultural educational environment as a subjective context of an individual that is used to communicate social and individual experience in application of the culture of attitude to nature. Educational environment as a medium for learners’ existence contains Events, dominant ideas of various significance resulting in resonance impulses intensified under observance of certain conditions required for stimulation of resonance mechanism; the resource potential of multi-cultural educational environment in the process of environmental socialization has been detected, acting as a determinant for provision of environmental socialization. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n5s1p258

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