
Teknologi self-cleaning sangat popular di kalangan para peneliti dan telah banyak diterapkan dalam berbagai aplikasi permukaan. Lapisan self-cleaning dengan sifat superhidrofobik banyak dikembangkan dan diteliti lebih lanjut karena kemampuannya dalam melakukan pembersihan yang sangat baik. Kemampuan self-cleaning lapisan superhidrofobik berbasis silika (SiO2) banyak diteliti. SiO2 dianggap dapat meningkatkan kekasaran suatu permukaan karena memiliki energi permukaaannya yang rendah dan menunjukkan sifat hidrofobik, hidrofilik, dan kestabilan termal. Lapisan superhidrofobik berbasis silika telah disintesis melalui berbagai metode fisik dan kimia. Metode sol-gel menjadi utama dengan ciri khas kemudahannya dalam sintesis melalui pencampuran beberapa material dan lebih hemat biaya. Selain itu, metode sol-gel telah banyak digunakan dalam sintesis material berbasis silika. Pada review ini, membahas mengenai fenomena self-cleaning di alam yang menjadi acuan peneliti, karakteristik lapisan superhidrofobik dalam kemampuan self-cleaning, metode sol-gel dan teknik coating dalam pembuatan lapisan superhidrofobik, dan material silika yang dimodifikasi dengan material lain untuk meningkatkan kemampuan self-cleaning.
 Kata Kunci: Superhidrofobik; Self-cleaning; Silika; Sol-gel
 Self-cleaning technology is very popular among researchers and has been widely applied in various surface applications. Self-cleaning coatings with superhydrophobic properties have been developed and further researched because of their ability to perform excellent cleaning. The self-cleaning ability of silica-based superhydrophobic coatings (SiO2) has been extensively studied. SiO2 considered to be able to increase the roughness of a surface because it has a low surface energy and exhibits hydrophobic, hydrophilic, and thermal stability properties. Silica-based superhydrophobic coatings have been synthesized by various physical and chemical methods. The sol-gel method is the main feature of its ease of synthesis through mixing several materials and is more cost-effective. In addition, the sol-gel method has been widely used in the synthesis of silica-based materials. This review discusses the phenomenon of self-cleaning in nature which is the reference for researchers, the characteristics of the superhydrophobic coating in terms of self-cleaning ability, the sol-gel method and coating techniques in the manufacture of superhydrophobic coatings, and silica material modified with other materials to increase self-cleaning ability.
 Keywords: Superhydrophobicity; Self-cleaning; Silica; Sol-gel

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