
This article aims to reveal the regulation of marriage dispensation in Indonesia, which is regulated in Law No. 16 of 2019 concerning amendments to Law No.1 of 1974. Article 7 paragraph (2) states that if there is a deviation from the age provision, the parents of the man or woman can apply for marriage dispensation to the Court, for the sake of al-mashlahat. The focus of this research is how Islamic law analyzes the regulation of marriage dispensation in Law Number 16 of 2019. In this study, a normative legal research method is used, which is also called dogmatic legal research. The results show that Law No. 16/2019 brings the spirit of change regarding the regulation of marriage dispensation and the minimum age of marriage. In addition, Supreme Court Regulation No. 5 of 2019 is a special rule as a form of explanation of procedural law relating to marriage dispensation applications. In the perspective of Islamic Law, it brings al-mashlahat, with the regulation of marriage dispensation in certain circumstances. However, the minimum age of marriage in Islamic law is determined by ihtilam, rusyd, menstruation as physical signs and a certain age, which indicates maturity.

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