
This article has been retracted: please see Elsevier Policy on Article Withdrawal (http://www.elsevier.com/locate/withdrawalpolicy). Please note that this retraction notice has been updated in September 2021, as follows: This article has been retracted at the request of the Editors in Chief due to concerns regarding the authorship. Certain individuals were erroneously indicated as co-authors of the article when it was originally published. These individuals have informed the journal that they did not contribute to the article and that they had no knowledge of its submission for publication. We confirm, following investigation, that those individuals previously identified by the submitting author as co-authors did not author, approve or submit this article for publication, and the previous attribution of the article to them was in error. We have not had a response from Dr Mao and Dr Cai regarding authorship. As a result of the correspondence with Associate Professor Z. Zou and Dr L. Wang, we believe that the paper needs to be retracted and have elected to proceed with retraction.

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