
For neutrons of energies below several 100 keV, the dose equivalent measured by tissue-equivalent proportional counters (TEPC) is considerably lower than the ambient dose equivalent. In order to investigate the possibility of improving the TEPC response in the intermediate and low neutron energy range without deterioration of the response at higher energies, measurements were performed with TEPCs filled with counting gas mixtures modified by addition of small amounts of 3He. This approach takes advantage of the neutron thermalisation in the counter wall and the large cross section of the 3He(n,p)3H reaction for thermal neutrons. The counters were exposed free-in-air, and with additional polyethylene caps, to thermal neutrons, 24.5 keV, 144 keV and 2.5 MeV neutrons and to the radiation field of a D2O-moderated 252Cf source. The effect of adding small amounts of 3He and of variable wall thickness on the absorbed dose and the dose equivalent per fluence was evaluated.

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