
Over the course of two winter periods, researchers at the Agricultural Experiment Unit, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Baghdad, studied the effects of covering wheat (the Al-Furat variety) and “vitamins B9” (“folic acid”) and E “(tocopherol)” on a number of growth traits. Three independent trials were conducted utilizing a factorial design within a Randomized Complete Block Design. The first component was folic acid at 0, 250, and 500 mg L-1; the second component was vitamin E at 0, 1, and 2 ml L-1. At the start of the tillering and flowering stages, both vitamins were applied. All measured characteristics (plant height, flag leaf area, total tiller count, plant dry weight at booting and 100% blooming phases, and “vitamin B9” 500 mg L-1) were found exceeded at this dosage. Aside from that, total chlorophyll, chlorophyll a and b content in leaves, and the pace of crop growth.Since the focus of 2 ml L-1 was higher than most of the attributes, applying vitamin E influenced the growth characteristics. The number of tillers, plant dry weight, crop growth rate, total chlorophyll, biological yield, chlorophyll a and b  in leaves.

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