
Purpose of the Study: This research aims to identify the response level of Muslim minority towards the implementation of Arabic Language and Islamic Values Education Program in the Philippines. The main problems of Islamic educational system which was regarded as an effective element of Islamization was discouraged and narrowed down to give way to secularized educational system in the country and also, how to preserve Islam in a country where they are a minority but where, nevertheless, the fundamental law of the land provides for a secular government.
 Methodology: In this study, quantitative methodology research was applied and the data were analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) for Windows version 21 with a total number of respondents as of 272 people.
 Main Findings: The results showed that the total average means a score of the response of Muslim minority towards the implementation of Arabic Language and Islamic Values Education Program was at a moderate level with a value of 3.03. However, majority of the respondents agreed that implementation of Arabic Language and Islamic Value Education program is one of the inward-looking tendencies or deepening process of Islamization in the country.
 Implications: The impact of Arabic Language and Islamic Values Education may educate the children to keep them away from any extremism and radicalism acts.

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