
Previous articleNext article No AccessRespiratory Water Loss in Some Birds of Southwestern United StatesGeorge A. Bartholomew Jr. and William R. DawsonGeorge A. Bartholomew Jr. Search for more articles by this author and William R. Dawson Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by Volume 26, Number 2Apr., 1953 Article DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1086/physzool.26.2.30154512 Views: 3Total views on this site Citations: 49Citations are reported from Crossref Journal History This article was published in Physiological Zoology (1928-1998), which is continued by Physiological and Biochemical Zoology (1999-present). PDF download Crossref reports the following articles citing this article:Philip C. Withers, Christine E. Cooper, Alexander N. Larcombe Relative Water Economy Is a Useful Index of Aridity Tolerance for Australian Poephiline Finches, Birds 3, no.22 (Mar 2022): 172–183.https://doi.org/10.3390/birds3020012Sugjit S. Padda, Jordan R. Glass, Zachary R. Stahlschmidt When it's hot and dry: Life-history strategy influences the costs and cost-limiting strategies due to heat wave and water limitation, The Journal of Experimental Biology (Mar 2021): jeb.236398.https://doi.org/10.1242/jeb.236398Andrew E. McKechnie, Alexander R. Gerson, Blair O. Wolf Thermoregulation in desert birds: scaling and phylogenetic variation in heat tolerance and evaporative cooling, The Journal of Experimental Biology 224, no.Suppl 1Suppl 1 (Feb 2021): jeb229211.https://doi.org/10.1242/jeb.229211Ryan S. O'Connor, Ben Smit, William A. Talbot, Alexander R. Gerson, R. Mark Brigham, Blair O. Wolf, Andrew E. McKechnie Avian thermoregulation in the heat: is evaporative cooling more economical in nocturnal birds?, The Journal of Experimental Biology 221, no.1717 (Jun 2018): jeb181420.https://doi.org/10.1242/jeb.181420B. Irene Tieleman Understanding immune function as a pace of life trait requires environmental context, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 72, no.33 (Mar 2018).https://doi.org/10.1007/s00265-018-2464-zAlan T. K. Lee, Dale Wright, Phoebe Barnard Hot bird drinking patterns: drivers of water visitation in a fynbos bird community, African Journal of Ecology 55, no.44 (Feb 2017): 541–553.https://doi.org/10.1111/aje.12384Eric Krabbe Smith, Jacqueline J. O'Neill, Alexander R. Gerson, Andrew E. McKechnie, Blair O. Wolf Avian thermoregulation in the heat: resting metabolism, evaporative cooling and heat tolerance in Sonoran Desert songbirds, Journal of Experimental Biology 220, no.1818 (Sep 2017): 3290–3300.https://doi.org/10.1242/jeb.161141Ryan S. O'Connor, R. Mark Brigham, Andrew E. 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