
The experience of an indigenous adult is always a reason for resignification of her culture; Therefore, this article is a product of the experiences lived in the Learning Community J.M. Cruxent in coordination with the Territorial Polytechnic University of Mérida Kléber Ramírez (UPTMKR) and the Classroom Laboratory of Conservation and Restoration of Archaeological and Paleontological Assets (ALab-CRBAP) of the National Experimental University Francisco de Miranda (UNEFM), mentioned before Learning community being guided by Professor Camilo Morón. The aim of this article is to show the experience of a Wayuú woman as a reference of cultural resignification. The used approach was the life story of an elderly Wayuu woman, such as observation and interview techniques, while for the analysis of the information, the qualitative and hermeneutics from the information given by the categorization was used. The results show that: in Wayuu culture women have great relevance as a transmitter of ethnic knowledge and traditions, death is a despicable fact that separates families, their vision of God comes from the earth so plants become important in the worldview, from childhood and throughout life, culture and women are valued as their center; the recognition of the indigenous people is the first generation of Venezuelans.

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