
Click to increase image sizeClick to decrease image size Notes 1. A holistic view, according to Minks, would include studies located around children's informal music making and their participation in various subcultures, in formal music education settings and children's interactions with music produced for them (Minks 2006 Minks, A. 2006. Introduction. The World of Music, 48(1): 5–8. [Google Scholar], 6). 2. Positioning, she says, has ‘a mobile feel suggesting a constant dance of reciprocity between adult and child as they negotiate their research relationship’ (Lahman 2008 Lahman, M.K.E. 2008. Always othered: Ethical research with children. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 6(3): 281–300. [Crossref] , [Google Scholar], 289). Drawing on the work of various scholars, she describes positions adult can assume as they relate to child participants. 3. Marsh drew her conclusions based on interviews with the students but also an in-depth analysis of texts and tunes, in keeping with other studies of playground music making.

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