
Mod ern Chinese English translation catalyzed by Robert Morrison early Anglo American Protestant missionaries, early Protestant Missionaries Westerners to Chinese penetration and highlight the advantages of Western Christian culture of the main media. Due to the English translation involves both in English and Chinese language and culture, are not familiar with Chinese Protestant Missionaries Westerners in translation just have to rely on the assistance of the Chinese people. With the transformation of modern Chinese society, Chinese people continue to deepen the English translation of the western science movement in awareness of the importance of gradually from passivity to initiative, from subordination to independent, the emergence of a group like Ma Jian Zhong, Yan Fu, Lin Shu, Liang Qichao, a famous translation theory and Translation master, constructing the modern Chinese English translation of an important force. But there is also a series of problems in China. This paper examines the translation of ancient significance, principle, the choice of the original text, translation style, quality of personnel and other issues.

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