This paper analyzes the impact of digital transformation on corporate ESG (environmental, social, and governance) performance based on the dynamic capability theory of enterprises and the stakeholder theory perspective and conducts empirical tests based on the data of Chinese A-share listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen from 2009 to 2022. Before, researchers mostly looked at overall ESG performance. This paper, on the other hand, starts by looking at overall ESG performance and then goes on to look at each of the three ESG dimensions (E, S, and G). It then does a subdimensional refinement to see how digital transformation affects the different dimensions of ESG performance and then checks how the company's ability to innovate in green technology affects the subdimension of ESG performance. This paper puts digital transformation and ESG performance in the same analytical framework, and from the perspective of digital transformation, it puts forward targeted insights and suggestions to improve the ESG performance of Chinese enterprises, providing theoretical support and empirical evidence to promote the practice of ESG development in Chinese enterprises.
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