
According to the study backdrop for this work, the formal debut of Douyin on September 20, 2016, means that it is accessible to users of all ages. The emergence of Douyin instantly drew a sizable number of users because, in recent years, as the economy has grown, people's entertainment lives have been richer. influx. The live broadcast feature and the shopping cart were successfully opened by Douyin in March 2018. Live streaming advanced when Douyin introduced the red man product window in May 2018. The history of Douyin's development and its effects as the primary platform for live streaming will be examined in this article. This article will conduct study using data comparison, yearly report comparison, and particular head anchor situations. The primary information includes the transaction trend graph, traffic source, order source, GMV (total cumulative transaction value in the live broadcast room), GPM (thousand views), UV (gross transaction value per view), CUP (customer unit price) (gross transaction value per number of transactions), percentage of transaction fans, and per capita viewing time (stay), among other things. This article analyzes the market structure and environment of live broadcast delivery, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of development for live broadcast delivery from the consumer's point of view. It also analyzes the viability of personal and business development. Finally, it offers some development recommendations.The findings of the study demonstrate that Douyin has benefited from the present e-commerce live broadcast delivery by attracting a sizable flood of users due to its unique qualities. The popularity of Douyin is not a coincidence, yet it doesa natural outcome of the ongoing shift in societal tendencies.

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