
Live streaming is currently gaining popularity in television production and allied sectors. With the development of broadband internet, anyone can now create live broadcasts for a global audience with a reliable and slightly faster internet connection. It has opened up many new opportunities for using video on the internet, ranging from simple interactions with social media followers during a coffee break to breaking news stories. Facebook Live and YouTube Live are some social media also used for live streaming. Until the recent past, outside broadcasting (OB) vans or trucks were used for production, editing, and live streaming or broadcasting. Other than these OB set-ups, some portable and cost-effective broadcasting equipment are trending now as broadcasting gets more accessible with these equipment using live streaming software and the internet. Considering the growing tendency of live broadcasting, we conducted a study to examine broadcasting equipment' LiveU' and Teradek for quality, price, and performance while being implemented in the UAE media industry. A market analysis is also done to understand the preference of the user. Data was collected using both primary and secondary data. The study found LiveU is preferably in quality, price, and performance.To the best of all authors' knowledge, research has been limited to this field. This research will benefit the live broadcasting user and the media industry.

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