
In the context of quality education, personalized learning has emerged as the direction for future educational growth, but it has also had a significant impact on and challenged traditional teaching: where collectivism once faced a chilly reception, collective learning in primary and secondary classrooms has been marginalized over time. The concepts of collectivism and customized education do not contradict; rather, the organic integration of both concepts is the goal of the reform of basic education teaching techniques. In light of this, the author suggests that the collectivist value orientation be taken into consideration when reforming basic education teaching methods. This essay explores the collectivist value orientation, its interpretation of its connotation, and its value analysis. On the basis of the interpretation of the connotation and value analysis of collectivist value orientation, this paper discussed the necessity of collectivist value orientation in basic education teaching method reform and proposed that the reform of basic education teaching method to the deep development must be based on the traditional collective teaching activities, strengthen the collectivist value of the interpretation of the collectivist teaching method of innovative.

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