
This paper presents a multi degree of freedom rail mounted inspection robot in GIS Substation and its adaptive pose adjustment method. According to the operation requirements of GIS indoor inspection robot, the functional models of robot walking module, lifting module, execution monitoring module and intelligent control module are established. The robot has the functions of image, sound and infrared acquisition. Combined with the pose adjustment of the camera at the end of the robot, it can accurately collect most of the equipment instrument data with different pose, and provide data sample support for analyzing and judging whether the equipment has abnormal conditions. The experimental results show that the rail hanging multi degree of freedom inspection robot can successfully overcome the complex equipment structure and move the end effector to the appropriate inspection point. After being adjusted by its adaptive pose adjustment method, the distance between the camera and the dial plane is within the interval [13 cm, 18 cm], and the included angle between the camera lens and the instrument plane is within the interval [2o,7o], both of which can meet the requirements of meter reading accuracy in indoor patrol inspection of substation. Compared with manual inspection, the inspection time of the inspection robot proposed in this paper is reduced by more than 75%, and can meet the 24-hour uninterrupted regular inspection. It is of great significance to ensure the safe and stable operation of substation, reduce inspection error, reduce labor cost, and realize the remote, intelligent and standardized inspection of GIS Substation.

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