
By combining theoretical discussion with practical cases, this study aims to deepen the understanding of traditional cultural values of Higher Vocational College(HVC) students, and urge them to integrate these values into their career and social interaction. In the setting of educational goals, we have made clear the importance of cultivating students' traditional moral values such as kindness, filial piety and loyalty, and the positive role of these values in individual development and social interaction. Through the design of integrated courses, we are committed to providing a comprehensive and in-depth learning experience, so that students can better understand the value of traditional culture in practice and apply it to real life. Emphasizing practice and experience is one of the focuses of this study. We let students feel the charm of traditional culture by community service, traditional handicraft production and field trip. In text reading, we choose Chinese traditional literary classics for in-depth interpretation, and help students better understand the moral wisdom contained in the text through discussion and group cooperation. Through this study, we expect to provide a series of scientific and effective strategies for the moral education of HVC students, aiming at cultivating moral personality with traditional cultural connotations and further promoting the inheritance and development of traditional culture in the field of HVC education.

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