
In the context of the explosive growth of online reviews in e-commerce, some merchants began to hire consumers to make fake purchases to increase sales, which caused the difficulty in identifying fake reviews. Therefore, from the perspective of consumers’ shopping behavior, a feature recognition method based on comment text, reviewer attribute and reviewer’s shopping behavior (referred to as TAB) is proposed to solve the problem of fake reviews caused by fake shopping behavior. Compared with BOW, TF-IDF, N-gram, FSP and other traditional feature extraction methods, experiments were carried out on Naive Bayes, SVM, Logistic Regression, Random Forest, CNN and other classification models. By changing the data dimension, the stability of each false comment recognition model was analyzed. The experimental results show that the TAB feature recognition method has better classification performance on logistic regression and support vector machine models, and the model is relatively stable, and the classification effect is not easily affected by dimension change.

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