
Annotation Purpose. Systematize energy costs in the implementation of technological processes for harvesting by-products of corn and sunflower for energy purposes. Methods. Processing of analytical and experimental data based on the basic provisions of mathematical statistics, simulation using a computer and software mathematical environments MathCad, Statistics, Microsoft Office. Results. The calculations of energy efficiency indicators of the use of corn and sunflower for energy purposes are given. The dependences of the energy efficiency of the technological process of harvesting the crushed mass of corn and sunflower in pressed form on the yield at different levels of humidity of the non-grain part of the crop are obtained. Conclusions. It is established that the value of energy costs to compensate for the removal of elements by different components of the non-grain part of the crop varies significantly: corn – 0.36–2.15 MJ/kg; sunflower – 0.7–1.63 MJ/kg. The coefficient of energy efficiency of the developed process of harvesting corn for energy purposes, taking into account the removal of nutrients is 10.5–11.5, sunflower – 8.7–9.0, with a humidity of 20%. Keywords: non-grain part of corn and sunflower harvest, harvesting of non-grain part, energy efficiency.

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