The article analyzes the main problems of the structures of combined coatings of residential buildings, during which both climatic and human factors were investigated. In the course of the study, the main methods of solving problems with the use of materials, additional technical means and new construction technologies are considered. Thanks to a retrospective analysis, three main historical stages have been identified – from the beginning of the construction of houses under the program of full-assembled housing construction in 1970 to the present. The main problems and solutions in each stage of the development of combined coatings are investigated, as well as modern technical developments to eliminate coating deficiencies are described and existing coating schemes are considered. The main conclusions of the study are the presence of problems in the design of the coating in various climatic conditions by ignoring the construction area. Despite the development of combined coatings, the structure needs to be improved due to the presence of problems in rolled materials - the appearance of cracks due to climatic conditions and not observing the necessary protection, as well as in the thermal insulation layer – moisture accumulates and condensation appears due to unreliable rolled materials. Conclusions are drawn on the use of aerators for evaporation of moisture from the thermal insulation layer. Such modern methods of solving problems of combined coating as the device of a rolled carpet made of PVC membrane by a welded method are analyzed. At the moment, the design of coatings with these materials have the best performance characteristics.
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