
This paper mainly studies the basic concept of baseband transmission of digital signal and the transmission processof digital signal baseband transmission and how to design digital baseband transmission system with MATLABsoftware simulation. This paper fi rst introduces the theoretical basis of this subject, including digital communication,the composition of digital baseband transmission system and digital baseband signal transmission process. Then thepaper introduced the characteristics of digital baseband transmission system, including digital PAM signal powerdensity and common line pattern, and by comparing choosing the fi nal bipolar zero return code. Then we introducedthe MATLAB simulation software. The conditions of the best reception of the digital baseband signal are describedand how the waveform of the baseband signal is observed by an oscilloscope. Finally, according to the basic stepsof simulation process, the simulation process of digital baseband transmission system is realized by MATLABsimulation tool, and the system is analyzed.

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