
With the development of economy, the improvement of people's living standard has been increasing and theconstruction of buildings is becoming more demanding. These buildings are large in scale and of good quality andhave a strong shielding effect on mobile phone signals. In the middle of the large-scale buildings, undergroundshopping malls, underground parking and other environments, the mobile communication signal is weak hence thephone cannot be used normally and forming a mobile communication blind area and shadow area. In the middlefl oor, due to the surrounding diff erent base station signal overlap, the ping-pong eff ect, frequent switching of mobilephones and even dropped calls are seriously aff ecting the normal use of mobile phones. In the building's higher fl oors,due to the height of the base station antenna, it has abnormal coverage and there is also mobile communication blindspot. In addition, in some buildings, although the phone can answer normal call but the user density, base stationchannel congestion and mobile phone line is diffi cult. In particular, the network coverage, capacity and quality ofmobile communication are the key factors for operators to gain competitive advantage. Network coverage, networkcapacity and network quality fundamentally refl ects the mobile network service level and is the theme of all mobilenetwork optimization work. The indoor coverage system is produced under this background. According to the relevantstatistics in some areas of indoor traffi c in the total traffi c accounted for a higher proportion. Therefore, strengtheningthe indoor coverage is of great signifi cance to improve the quality of mobile communication.

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