The low power laser has been used with great therapeutic success in many of the medical specialties. The effectiveness of this therapy is based on the contribution of sufficient energy so that through its absorption and transformation in the tissues the therapeutic process can be generated. The LASERMED 830/670 DL NEW is a modern equipment designed for low power laser therapy, which uses as emitter a gallium aluminum arsenide (GaAlAs) laser diode with a maximum continuous emission power of 60 mW or 40 mW depending on the applicator used. It also has a digital control of the parameters to vary between them, the power and the treatment time, showing at all times the energy density corresponding to the chosen values, which allow the proper dosage of the amount of light emitted. in relation to the requirements of the therapy used. These equipments can present several failures that make it impossible to function properly. This led to the completion of this thesis, which aims to develop software capable of operating laser-therapy equipment using PIC microcontrollers. Different bibliographies were used for the development of the work, as well as the PIC C Compiler program for the configuration and programming of the device and the Proteus 8 Professional software to carry out the simulations of the program. As a result of this work, the equipment was reprogrammed and returned to their hospital institutions.
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